Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Reason Why @RashidaTlaib Will Never Expose the Truth About Israeli Checkpoints - by Varda Meyers Epstein

Ambulances are something most of us see as sacrosanct: something never to be weaponized. This is the issue that Tlaib should be tearfully addressing from her platform of power: how to fix her people so they no longer breech these basic human standards of decency, no longer exploit Israel’s humanitarian impulses, so that Israelis no longer need fear them--fear for their lives--when an ambulance carrying wounded Arabs rushes by. Because ambulances just like the one that carried her “sity” have been used to carry explosives to murder Jewish Israelis, simply because they were Jews.

Varda Meyers Epstein..
Judean Rose/Elder of Ziyon..
21 August '19..

Rashida Tlaib made a tearful statement to the press on Monday, expressing her need to “expose the truth” about Israel, which she calls “Palestine.”

Much of what she says is inaccurate and lacks context, which makes it a lie. This for instance:

“As a young girl, visiting Palestine to see my grandparents and extended family, I watched as my mother had to go through dehumanizing checkpoints -- even though she was a United States citizen and proud American. I was there when there when my [grandmother] was in a terrible car accident and my cousins and I cried so she could have access to the best hospitals -- which were in Jerusalem.”

For one thing, it is doubtful Tlaib ever saw her family go through checkpoints "as a young girl" as there were no checkpoints when Tlaib was small.

She was a young girl in the 80's / early 90's at best. That was before checkpoints when Israelis & Palestinians easily crossed over into each other's territory, relatively safely. Before Oslo & the installation of Arafat's terror government.

Then too, it is not only Arabs who must pass through checkpoints. Jews, too, must wait their turn in traffic to go through checkpoints. I go through checkpoints every time I go from my apartment in Judea to the nearest city, Jerusalem. I went through checkpoints each time I labored to give birth to the final 6 of my 12 children, in order to get to the closest hospital in Jerusalem. We all go through the checkpoints, which make us late for appointments, and waste precious minutes getting us to hospital emergency and delivery rooms.The unfortunate inconvenience of the checkpoints is the trade-off for the many lives they save.

I won't lie: It is true that when the soldiers at the checkpoints see I am Jewish, they wave me through, knowing that I am not going to Jerusalem to blow up a bus or smuggle arms.

Other people do get stopped and checked. Some more thoroughly than others. It depends on how much suspicion these people arouse, and yes, whether or not they are Arabs. Profiling like this saves lives. That is because in Israel, the people who perpetrate terror attacks are Arabs.

And even with the checkpoints, with soldiers looking in at the drivers, one by one, as cars pass through, we sometimes fail to catch terrorists, as this tweet from Frimet Roth demonstrates:

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