Friday, March 20, 2020

Gaza, Coronavirus and Dishonesty: Reuters Stunning Display of Misleading Journalism - by Daniel Pomerantz

There are many international stories relevant to COVID-19: Italy’s desperate measures, South Korea’s massive testing, the UK and its backtracking from a unique “herd immunity” approach, even Israel with its aggressive containment strategy and furious work toward a vaccine. However, this Reuters article is not relevant to COVID-19 nor is it newsworthy in that context . Instead, this article reads like like a transparent excuse to say something negative about Israel at any cost: even at the cost of basic journalistic ethics.

Daniel Pomerantz..
Honest Reporting..
18 March '20..

In a stunning display of misleading journalism and demonstrating its anti-Israel agenda, Reuters promotes the myth that restrictions on Gaza are somehow comparable to global quarantines defending against the COVID-19 coronavirus.

In the article, Reuters shares a number of tweets from Gaza residents such as this one:

We in Gaza have been living this for 14 years.

Reuters did not commit an ethical breach by sharing tweets from Gaza residents: Gaza is a part of our world and is deemed newsworthy. However, as a body of professional journalists, Reuters has a duty to also share context and balance. For example, ...

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