Yes, you can have your opinion. But unless you are prepared to send your children to the army to defend the Jewish state, let us not pretend that opinion matters too much. You want a voice that counts? Make aliyah. But hey – July approaches – don’t forget to all write your opinion pieces and tell everyone how Israel has let you down. You are all so desperate to show it off to your friends and tell them how innovative Jews in Israel are – how dare those pesky Israelis keep spoiling it for you by worrying about their own security.
David Collier..
Beyond the Great Divide..
08 May '20..
Some UK Jewish papers have already opened the ‘annexation front’, criticising Israel for unilateral action it may be about to take. I promised myself I would stay quiet on this until July – when I expected to be forced to stand up against an uproar from some of the small-but-vocal quarters of the diaspora community. It seems they are so eager to make a noise, they started early.
Most of those troubled by the annexation are also those deeply disappointed that Netanyahu successfully navigated every obstacle that he had to face. Fooled by the insane political analysis of those who actually believed their own hype, they somehow thought a coalition could be built to depose the right-wing block. For months they performed mathematical and ideological summersaults, building neverthere coalitions and putting numerous ideological enemies together in some farcical political alliance. Father Christmas had more chance of appearing in the halls of the Knesset.
According to certain elements in the Diaspora, those pesky Israelis just keep voting the wrong way. Oh, how they wish the Israelis were as clever or ‘woke’ as they are.
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